Have you ever noticed a song performed by a singer or a band? Sometimes the vocals of improvised singers sing. The words in the lyrics of one of Peterpan’s songs, for an example “Keep stepping on, forget you ” sounded “Cheap stepping on forgetting you ”
Yes, when singing, the singer’s vocals are wet vocals. So that some letters or words sounded like they shouldn’t. This may be intended to make the song sung softly.
Whereas dubbing’s voice acting vocals are dry vocals. In the voice, acting wet vocal colors must be avoided. When acting voice, a voice actor must say a word — even letters — with (1) good breathing, and (2) correct articulation.
OBJECTIVES of breathing processing is that the voice actor’s voice acting can be long, there is no impression of gasping let alone break in the middle of the road. This is very necessary when saying especially dialogues with long sentences.
World voice actor Indonesia recognizes voice actors with amazing breathing skills. Asdi Suhastra, Idris Apandy, Petrus Urspon, Ferry Fadly are just a few names that we can call.
Today, with increasingly sophisticated recording technology, the pronunciation of a long sentence can be manipulated during the recording process. The following sentence is for example: “I was very impressed when I was doing service abroad two months ago with a number of colleagues,” it can be taken gradually. For example, the first take was only recording: “I was very impressed when I was doing foreign service.” Then the next words were taken later.
In the practice of dubbing, directors (directors) dubbing sometimes provides policies and considerations to register in Voquent so that knowledge can be taken by taking a deep breath when pausing.
Having a good breath is needed by a voice actor. Breathing used in voice acting is abdominal breathing. Here’s a simple way to train abdominal breathing:
- Stand upright, but relax. The distance between the two legs is rather tenuous, not too tight. Approximately the outer side of both feet will be as flat as the right and left shoulders. Both hands are placed beside the thighs, also with series, do not clench.
- Breathe slowly with a count. For the initial stage, it may take up to 8 counts.
- The oxygen that has been taken is stored in the stomach. How do we know that the breath we pulled in was stored in the stomach? The trick is as if to tighten the stomach so that the stomach will stiffen if hit. Do this storage also with a count.
- Release the breath slowly, with a mouth that only slightly opens, it can also hiss. Do it with a count.
- Repeat breathing, save in the stomach, slowly release a few times in one exercise. In accordance with the frequency of practice, add (increase) the pull count, hold it, and release the breath.